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1st John 1

1st John 1

Scripture Song

Music Video Status:


‘John’ singing 1st John chapter 1, NLT version, Solo, Children's Choir

Downloads Available:

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Finale (for Flying Start-Family Musical)

for “Flying Start” Family Musical

Music Video Status:

Flying Start Musical


Children’s Choir with Various Solo Possibilities. This is the Finale to the Musical “Flying Start” and it has portions of songs from the musical brilliantly woven together by Steve Rogers.

Downloads Available:

Gifted Purpose-Finale
Flying Start

Flying Start

Flying Start Musical/Children’s Song

Music Video Status:


This is a song a mother talking to her daughter about growing up. The mom uses baby birds to illustrate their desire to fly. It was written with an adult solo, a child solo, and a small part for a children's group or choir. 

Downloads Available:

Flying Start-ADD.jpeg

Foundation Declaration

Music Video Status:

Flying Start Musical


This is a song in the ‘Flying Start’ Musical, that is sung by the (SATB ensemble) family; and started out with a (tenor) solo by the ‘Grandfather.’

Downloads Available:

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F D Musical
F D Choir

Foundation Declaration

Music Video Status:

Choir / Production


This is a SATB choir production number. It is about a family making a choice to build on the Firm Foundation (The Rock of God - Jesus) and declaring that choice to the world.

Downloads Available:

Found Dec-for Choir
From His Word Today

From His Word Today

Children’s Song

Music Video Status:


This is a song of a mother or grandmother asking her children (or grandchildren) “What did you get from reading God's Word today? Do you believe His words and what He has to say? Did you listen with your heart, strengthened for the way?”


Did you?

Well...share it with someone!

Downloads Available:

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Funny Little Blessings

Personal Family Songs


Music Video Status:

This was my very first ‘practice’ song. I had been watching videos, and now it was time to flap my growing wings. We decided to do this as an entry in for our annual family talent show over Thanksgiving. 

Downloads Available:

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It started off as a cute little partial melody, and resulted in a fun little family project. Rick just started humming a tune one day. (Our family is familiar with him making up ‘silly little songs.’) Lisa jumped in and playfully helped him 'tweak' it.

Funny Little Blessings
Gen Rel Choir

Generational Relay

Choir Arrangment

Coming Soon


Music Video Status:


Downloads Available:

SATB Choir Arrangement of Generational Relay, with only 3 verses and an added bridge.


Generational Relay

Choir / Congregational Hymn

Coming Soon


Music Video Status:


Downloads Available:

SATB Extra verses to the Choir Arrangment, without the bridge, Written out as you would see in a hymnal.

Gen Rel Hymn

Gifted Purpose

(as a ‘stand alone’ song) 

Music Video Status:

Children’s Song


Children’s Choir number/solo. The song teaches that God made me for a purpose, and has a special gift for me. I’ll find out that purpose, and use that gift to serve Him to the best of my ability.

Downloads Available:

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Gifted Purpose-stand alone

Go Tell It On The Mountain

Steve Rogers Arrangement

lyrics and arrangement 
© 2020 Upper Neighbor Music, BMI


Music Video Status:


Downloads Available:

Addison Ferrin singing a Steve Rogers song/arrangement. Streaming Audio Demo is available for your listening pleasure. Contact Steve Rogers for downloads.

Go Tell It On the Mountain

Joy to the World
(3 Dog Night version)

Steve Rogers Song/Arrangement

lyrics and arrangement 
© 2020 Upper Neighbor Music, BMI


Music Video Status:


Downloads Available:

Hailey & Harper Ferrin with 

Ailey & Micah Hatch singing a Steve Rogers modified 3 Dog Night arrangement of 'Joy to the World.' Streaming Audio Demo is available for your listening pleasure. Contact Steve Rogers for downloads.

Joy to the World (3 Dog Nigt version)

Joy to the World
(Contemporary Carol)

Steve Rogers Arrangement


© 2020 Upper Neighbor Music, BMI

Music Video Status:


Hailey & Harper Ferrin with 

Ailey & Micah Hatch singing a Steve Rogers contemporary arrangement of 'Joy to the World.' Streaming Audio Demo is available for your listening pleasure. Contact Steve Rogers for downloads.

Downloads Available:

Joy to the World (Contemporary Carol)
Mary's Boy Child

Mary’s Boy Child

Steve Rogers Arrangement


©1956 written by Jester Hairston

Music Video Status:


Downloads Available:

Addison Ferrin singing a Steve Rogers arrangement. Streaming Audio Demo is available for your listening pleasure. Contact Steve Rogers for downloads.



Ailey Hatch

Music Video Status:


This is a song that my granddaughter, Ailey Hatch wrote. She and I recorded it, and Steve Rogers gave us some pointers and helped us with the accompaniment. It is arranged for a girls/ladies trio.

Downloads Available:


Show Me the Way

Micah Hatch

Music Video Status:


This is a song that my grandson, Micah Hatch and I wrote. We recorded it with Him singing lead and his mother singing an echo part on the chorus. I have been told it  would be a good opening song for VBS.

Downloads Available:

Stand Firm

Stand Firm

Steve Rogers Song


© 2020 Upper Neighbor Music, BMI

Music Video Status:


Downloads Available:

Ferrin and Hatch children singing an adorable  Steve Rogers original song about putting on the armor of God, to stand firm. Streaming Audio Demo is available for your listening pleasure. Contact Steve Rogers for downloads.

Starting My Day

Starting My Day

Music Video Status:

Children’s Song


Child solo/children’s choir. This song is great for a child to sing after waking up, getting into a good attitude in which to start their day. 


This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Downloads Available:

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Testimony Song

Testimony Song

Music Video Status:

Personal Family Songs


Lady’s Solo/Ladies' Trio. This is a very personal song. In it I share a bit of my testimony when I felt like I was being tested, and how I overcame feeling overwhelmed with it all. 

Downloads Available:


Music Video Status:


Adult Choir / Production Songs


SATB Adult Choir with Man and Woman Narration and 2 part female descant. This song is full of referances to  scripture passages.

Downloads Available:

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The Fireman Song

The Fireman Song

Flying Start Musical/Children’s Song

Music Video Status:


Child Solo/Children’s choir song.


This song is about a boy who dreams about being a fireman, and getting called to roll on a ‘big one.’

Downloads Available:

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This song is dedicated to my ‘baby’ brother, Allen Shearer, who is now a retired fireman. I am very proud of him, and I am very thankful for the service of firemen who put their lives on the line to help people. May we look for opportunities to help people, even if it's a ‘slow’ day.

The Gift Born That Day

The Gift Born That Day

Adult & Children's Choir/Christmas

Music Video Status:


This is an Adult Choir song, with a small children's choir part that can be sung by the ladies if no children's choir is available. It also has an orchestration available that was written by Bill King.

Downloads Available:

The Pilot Song

The Pilot Song

Flying Start Musical/Children’s Song

Music Video Status:


Children’s choir with various solo possibilities. I would like to dedicate this song to my wonderful husband, Rick Ferrin. Rick’s energetic, contagious love for flying has passed on to all the boys in the family.  

Downloads Available:

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The Plumber Song

The Plumber Song

Flying Start Musical/Children’s Song

Music Video Status:


Child Solo/Children’s choir song.


This song helps us to consider being a pipeline for God's purposes.

Downloads Available:

The Plumber Song-ADD.jpeg

Thank you Dale Shearer and Steve Rogers, for your ideas and help in with this song, and a big thank you to my grandchildren, for helping me with the recordings and videos needed to put it all together.

The Teacher Song

The Teacher Song

Flying Start Musical/Children’s Song

Music Video Status:


This is a song with a ‘teacher’ surrendering to God’s lesson plans for the day. It has a ‘teacher’ solo (can be sung by an adult, or a child acting as a teacher), and a children’s choir with various other solo possibilities.

Downloads Available:

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I wrote this song with loving thoughts and kudos to my sister-in-love, Patty; and my niece, Tjwana; and to my home-schooling daughter and daughter-in-love, Lisa and Jamie.

The 12 Names of Jesus

The Twelve Names of Jesus

lyrics and arrangement 
© 2020 Upper Neighbor Music, BMI

Steve Rogers Song/Arrangement


Music Video Status:


Downloads Available:

Addison Ferrin singing a Steve Rogers song / arrangement, to the tune of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas.’ Streaming Audio Demo is available for your listening pleasure. Contact Steve Rogers for downloads.

Tick-Tock Timing

Tick-Tock Timing

Flying Start Musical/Children’s Song

Music Video Status:


This is a children’s choir song (or could be a duet) about Ecclesiastes 3:1-11. It’s all about timing.

Downloads Available:

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Flying Start Musical/Children’s Song

Music Video Status:


This can be a child’s choir song, or a child’s solo. It talks about the changes tomorrow brings. 

Downloads Available:

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Train Up A Child

Train Up A Child

Scripture Song

Music Video Status:


This is a duet for 2 Children’s Leaders, based on Proverbs 22:6, Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

This accompaniment has a train themed feel.

Downloads Available:

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We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

© 2020 Upper Neighbor Music, BMI

Steve Rogers Song/Arrangement


Music Video Status:


Downloads Available:

Hailey & Harper Ferrin with 

Ailey & Micah Hatch singing a Steve Rogers contemporary 

arrangement of 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas.' 

Streaming Audio Demo is available for your listening pleasure. Contact Steve Rogers for downloads.

What My Prayers Are For

What My Prayers Are For

Children’s Song

Music Video Status:


This song can be sung by a choir, or a trio. It is to help children learn about 5 different things to pray.

1-Praise, 2-Thanks,

3-Confession, 4-Others, 5-Self Expressing a desire to know God better, to love Him more and to spend time with Him.

Downloads Available:

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