A word from Ginger Ferrin about
Flying Start Music:

Psalm 102:18 "Let this be written for a future generation that a people not yet created may praise the Lord."
I believe it is wise to raise a family with a foundation on the solid rock of God, so that when the storms of life hit, we will be able to stand firm with His strength.
My husband and I were both raised with such a foundation. We knew each other as children and have grown up together. When we married, we knew we were responsible for our own choices. No one is ‘grandfathered’ into heaven on their parents' beliefs. As we experienced life for ourselves, we found the things we were taught from the Bible to be true. It was a solid foundation on which we too, could raise our family.
As we travel through life, it helps to have a song of encouragement in our heart. I love that a song can become a means of communication with God; as we expound on the song as a prayer of our heart, it can turn to gratitude and worship for God’s love, and for His provision in our lives.
Church music has always been a big part of our lives, and through the years I have seen the values of Christian principles set to music. I now have seven grandchildren, and I am anxious to pass the legacy to them. My desire is to encourage young parents as they participate in the responsibility of training up children in the way they should go. I want to offer encouragement as they travel their own personal journey with Christ, to have a personal relationship that walks and talks with God on a daily basis.