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Foundation Declaration

G.G. Ferrin

'Flying Start' the Family Musical, needs a TRUE NORTH song. I realized I needed to figure out what exactly it was I wanted to say, and build from that.

I feel like our society (especially young couples) could use a positive, catchy song that shows the benefits of a Christian home and makes it a desirable goal. We need a model for which to aspire, a positive mantra to focus on when things are tough. Something that helps young couples find comfort and security in a solid foundation that they can build on with confidence.

Originally, one of the songs in my musical was to be a re-write of the B. B. McKinney hymn, 'God Give us Christian Homes'. In my quest to write a song, I figured this would be a good place to start, because the thought of coming up with a tune on my own terrified me. I thought this way, I could use a borrowed tune, and rewrite the words which seemed dated.

After reading Joshua 24:1-21, and watching Kirk Cameron's movie 'Monumental', I came up with what I wanted my song to say. I decided I wanted the phrase “...choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve..., as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15) to be my Foundation Statement. I decided to write an original song instead. I also incorporated Matthew 7:24-27, showing the wisdom of building your house on a rock so that when the rains and floods come, and the winds blow, your house won't collapse.

After finishing my first draft, I sent my song to my good friend, Jay Leach, a well known guitar artist and studio musician in California. He gave me some very good advice musically with some ideas for my melody (7/24/14). I re-wrote my song.

After finishing my second draft, I submitted it to Derric Johnson. We met together on 9/2/14 where he gave me his input. After that, things were put on hold while we had my daughter-in-law Jamie and the kids move in with us for a couple weeks, then I drove cross-country with them to California to meet up with my son, Daniel. Not long after that, Rick had his shoulder surgeries. I finished making adjustments as Derric suggested on 5/21/15, then finished rebuilding the soundtrack on 5/31/15. I re-wrote it as a SATB choir anthem, and recorded myself singing the Soprano, Alto, and Tenor parts. Thankfully, Rick stepped in to sing the bass part, which is quite convenient seeing as how his voice is a bit deeper than mine.

This older version is the song I took to my first Composer Symposium. They also had some good suggestions, so with the help of Steve Rogers, I re-wrote it yet again. As with some of the other songs in my musical, I think this song can stand alone, so I also adapted another version of this song, so that it can be used as a choir anthem.

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