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G.G. Ferrin


After working on the song 'Tomorrow,' with my granddaughter, Addison; I knew I could go no further on that song until Addison comes to town and we can record the vocal. As I was in an 'okay Lord--What would you have me work on next?' frame of mind, I felt the Lord prompt me.

'I want you to pull out that Testing Song you started years ago.'

'That song?'

'Yes, that song.'

'But Lord, I never finished that song. I left it in such a painful state. I'm not even sure I know how to end it. But, yes, I agree; it's time I pull it out and see if I can wrap it up. Help me, Lord, to encourage others that may also be going through a difficult, testing time in their life.'

As I started searching my computer files for that song I started years ago, I pulled out my phone and set it up on my computer as I often do. I set a goal this year, to read the Bible in 6 months rather than a year. This is do-able, because I have an app on my phone that has an audible living version. The book I was starting today--JOB. Wow--the book of Job--Are you kidding me? I was overwhelmed with the feeling of God's presence as I listened to the entire book in one sitting. What better place to help me find an ending to my song of testing. By listening to it audibly, it was as if the Holy Spirit, my 'teacher', was talking to ME,

I sat and listened. I was reminded of a sermon I once heard on the book of Job. In that sermon I learned that God never answered Job's question of "why" when he showed up to talk to Job at the end of the book. Job wanted to know what sin he had ever committed that would make him deserve such terrible things to happen to him. God never answered him; instead, he turned every everything around.

Job 38:1-4: Then the LORD answered Job from the whirlwind: "Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorant words? Brace yourself like a man, because I have some questions for you, and you must answer them. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much."

That almost seemed a little harsh for me. I found myself wishing that God would have explained the whole dialogue at the beginning of the book between Him and Satan. That would have seemed kinder. Then I remembered a video my daughter just shared on FaceBook (Cosmic Eye) of a woman laying on the ground, and the perspective going up, up, up, leaving the things on earth to fall ever smaller, smaller, smaller, and eventually going out of sight. It's an amazing video, that, if the woman were crying, I believe would totally paint the picture of me in the midst of my tests: looking up, to try to wrap my head around thoughts of my teacher, the creator, and realizing how small in the scheme of things I really was. Yet, the video zooms back down to show the smaller intricate things inside, reminding me of what great amount of detail and plan God put into each one of us. I can find rest and peace by trusting that He has a far better plan in place than what I can see. Then I knew I wanted the ending of my test song to express worship for God in all his glory. (I wanted a 'feel' like the Bradley Knight song 'You Are Worthy'. If you have never heard it, I highly recommend you to take a few minutes, click on the link and listen to it now.)

God wasn't finished walking and talking with me. After Job, my New Testament scripture was Romans 11. Check out Romans 11:33-36. Could Paul have summed it up any better than that? The words practically fit right into a rhythm that was rolling around in my head. Thank you God for purposes you have designed specifically for me. May my life bring you pleasure as I strive to be obedient.

Here are some other scriptures that also remind me that although he has given me a free will, He is my creator, (He is the potter, I am the clay) and he doesn't need advice from me. See Isaiah 29:15-16 , Isaiah 40:13-14 and I Corinthians 2:16.

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