The Pilot Song
Flying Start Musical/Children’s Song
Music Video Status:
Children’s choir with various solo possibilities. I would like to dedicate this song to my wonderful husband, Rick Ferrin. Rick’s energetic, contagious love for flying has passed on to all the boys in the family.
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The Plumber Song
Flying Start Musical/Children’s Song
Music Video Status:
Child Solo/Children’s choir song.
This song helps us to consider being a pipeline for God's purposes.
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Thank you Dale Shearer and Steve Rogers, for your ideas and help in with this song, and a big thank you to my grandchildren, for helping me with the recordings and videos needed to put it all together.
The Fireman Song
Flying Start Musical/Children’s Song
Music Video Status:
Child Solo/Children’s choir song.
This song is about a boy who dreams about being a fireman, and getting called to roll on a ‘big one.’
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This song is dedicated to my ‘baby’ brother, Allen Shearer, who is now a retired fireman. I am very proud of him, and I am very thankful for the service of firemen who put their lives on the line to help people. May we look for opportunities to help people, even if it's a ‘slow’ day.
Flying Start
Flying Start Musical/Children’s Song
Music Video Status:
This is a song a mother talking to her daughter about growing up. The mom uses baby birds to illustrate their desire to fly. It was written with an adult solo, a child solo, and a small part for a children's group or choir.
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The Teacher Song
Flying Start Musical/Children’s Song
Music Video Status:
This is a song with a ‘teacher’ surrendering to God’s lesson plans for the day. It has a ‘teacher’ solo (can be sung by an adult, or a child acting as a teacher), and a children’s choir with various other solo possibilities.
Downloads Available:
I wrote this song with loving thoughts and kudos to my sister-in-love, Patty; and my niece, Tjwana; and to my home-schooling daughter and daughter-in-love, Lisa and Jamie.