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Starting My Day

G.G. Ferrin

The idea for this song was taken from a video I saw on Facebook (click here to see) of a father reciting a sort of 'pledge' with his son, who was in the back seat of a car, getting ready to be dropped off at school. The pledge went like this:

Today is going to be a good day.

I thank God for waking me up today.

I’m going to school so I can learn, go to college,

and be the leader that God has created me to be.

Today I’ll be educated, empowered by my teachers with the tools

to be successful within my community and throughout the country.

I apply myself daily.

I study and ask questions when I don’t understand.

When I am confronted with a problem or conflict,

I think before I react.

I ignore all negative influences in the classroom

and throughout the school day.

I’m extremely proud to be the next generation of Christian leaders.

I accept responsibility and I love the challenge.

Then the father told parents that might be watching:

Start the day off with something positive. Our kids can learn, it’s our job to teach them.

I thought this was a wonderful thing: verbalizing positive thoughts to start off your day! I thought if might be easier for children to learn something like this if it were in a song.

Then, my daughter (in-love) had her children show me a song and a poem that they know that was very similar in nature. (click here to see the video)

Here are words to their song:

Obedience is listening attentively

Obedience will take instructions joyfully

Obedience is respectful of authority

Obedience will follow orders instantly.

For when I am busy at my work or play

When someone calls my name

I’ll answer right away

Obey with a smile to go the extra mile

And so I can say yes sir, yes sir!

Hut 2, 3, (clap)

They also learned a poem. (click here to see the video)

Here are the words to their poem:

I will obey with no excuses

I will answer with a smile

I will follow orders quickly

And I’ll go the extra mile

I will not obey the wrong commands

I’ll do what’s right and true

I will finish what I started

And do the best that I can do

My character is what will make a leader out of me

So next time let’s say it more enthusiastically!!!

I wrote a song with Psalm 118:24: "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!" as it's anchor. I wanted a song that would apply to any child, whether they were about to attended public, private, or home school. I wanted something that could even be sung on the weekends, or during summer break. :)

My husband Rick wanted to attempt writing a melody to a lyric, (as opposed to pulling a tune out of the air) so we worked together on this one. When my daughter, Lisa, read my first draft, she suggested some re-ordering of some of the phrases for a better flow. It was nice working on a song 'together' again, although it's way more fun when our 'together' is 'in the same room.' This is how it ended up:

Starting My Day

Today is a day the Lord has made,

All for His purpose and plan—I have prayed.

I will rejoice and be glad I’m a part,

I’m ready to live it. I can’t wait to start.

I’m anxious to know all the things God will teach.

I’ll watch and I’ll listen, for goals, I will reach.

If I have a problem I’ll think, not just act.

The way I respond I'll handle with tact.

I’ll handle with tact.

[tact-Speaking or acting without giving offense.]

Respecting my parents and teachers and more

They’re placed in my life to help shape what’s in store

I’ll answer ‘yes sir’ and ‘yes ma’am’ right away.

And then with a smile I will quickly obey. [What?]

Yes! With a smile I will quickly obey!

For positive influence only I look.

And when I have time I will reach for a book.

And if there is something I don’t understand

I’ll get some help and try my best and that will be my plan.

Soon I will get it on my own, and I won’t need a hand.

Today is a day (that) the Lord, (He) has made,

All for His purpose, His plan—I have prayed.

I will rejoice and be glad I’m a part,

I’m ready to live it. I can’t wait to start!

I’m ready to live it. I can’t wait to start!

I’m ready to live it. I can’t wait to start!

Let's GO!!!

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