Today was a quiet day. I love quiet days when I have uninterrupted time to listen for a word from my heavenly father. Today, He led me to several YouTube Video sermons by Ravi Zacharias. The first on was titled Raised to Run. Ravi was speaking to Gateway Church in Texas, and to Mars Hill.
During these sermons, He said “For those of you whose values have come from your parents who love God and serve God, it will be your responsibility to perpetuate those convictions, and carry the flame forward… There comes a time in life when the energy needed to perpetuate the convictions held in a family, demand the strength of a younger mind.”
Like I have said before, I was born and raised in a Christian family, with a strong Christian foundation. But, I knew I could not have a relationship with God through my parents. I had to have my own relationship with God. Everyone is responsible for his or her own actions. My husband and I continued in the same Biblical foundation with our family, and now, our children have children of their own, and they are now responsible for continuing their family's Biblical foundation from their own relationships with God.
It’s a tough world today. As Ravi says in his sermon, “We must transfer the trust to the next generation.”
He answered the question “How does God see THE FAMILY?” He made it very clear that God values life, and has a specific purpose that each person’s indivisibility and uniqueness was created for.
It was a wonderful message. Very inspiring. I was on a roll, (you know how video leads into video?) So,,,
Then I watched ‘The Modern World and The Word of God.’ It was an address Ravi gave to the 74th International General Assembly, at the Church of God Convention. In this address, He asked "How do we challenge this generation, at a time when the world teaches that it’s all about YOU!" Then he reminded everyone that it is by divine appointment that we are here at this time.
Do you want to be empowered for the future? Live by the mandates and precepts that God has given us, and raise up the next generation to live a life that will be honoring to God.
He said the 10 commandments can be summed up in one word—sacredness. The sacredness of your life, of your word, of your property, of your marriage or your worship and of your time. They were put in place by God for our moral and spiritual protection.
He said that any time you take away the truth, people will believe anything. People do not know how to think for themselves. We are an unthinking generation.
He also said "You will never define good and evil unless you have also included purpose. That’s what your life is all about. You are the creation of a holy God, a God for whom life is of value, and sanctity."
I have been so burdened to be able to speak into the lives of young adults and remind them that they must think on their own. Everyone is responsible to God for their own decisions, and not the decisions of their parents. This can go both ways. Having godly parents doesn't make one godly, but having ungodly parents does not mean ones whole life is doomed to ungodliness. The choice is up to YOU. It's your job to listen to God. He is reaching out, trying to communicate with you. Then, you must decide whether or not you will trust in the provision of God's Son, and then 'grow in grace and in the knowledge of that son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.' It's a decision that affects more than just this life. All eternity hangs in the balance.
If you have questions about your relationship with God, contact me. I'd be happy to talk to you.
I felt led to write a poem I titled 'Generational Relay'. I used material from these sermons and this poem, for thoughts I wrote in "A Letter to my Younger Self" and a Hymn I titled "Generational Relay". (You can find the "Letter to my Younger Self" in a separate blog, and the hymn in the downloads offered on this website.)
Generational Relay
Do your parents love the Lord?
Do their values come from Him?
Where is it that YOU stand?
Do YOUR values come from THEM?
Young people listen closely
When seeking paths for life
Don’t forget, check ‘up’ and ‘down’
Don’t think just ‘left’ or ‘right’
For convictions of a family
To continue, will demand
Strength and youth and energy
Transferring trust—it is God’s plan.
You have the power to change things
In choices that you make.
It’s up to you to change your path
Or else the torch to take.
Listen as you ponder
The Creator of the world.
He has a purpose for you
As your life becomes unfurled
Be the man or woman
God designed for you to be
And when a child comes--
It is a gift of life for you and me.
God answered Rebekah
When she asked about her twins
He did not say a lump of flesh
But said two ‘nations’ were within.
Every child is valuable
Each one has potential
Every life's a gift from God
With a purpose that’s essential
And then to each there comes a day
When thoughts become your own
Jump from the nest and soar to heights
With wings that you have grown.
For each one is responsible
It’s not just mom or dad
To God we all must answer
How we used gifts we had.
And when mistakes are made
His example is: forgive
For when you have released your pain
It’s then you start to live
Everyone is hungry
They want to know the truth
They want to study, want to learn
And grow up from their youth.
Search for yourself, the Book of Law
And learn about God’s grace
For God has made a way for us,
He loves the human race.
Worship is submission
To the consciousness of Him
Submitting to His purpose
Not just following a hymn.
Expressive adoration
With hearts open to His love
We're created by a holy God
with value from above.