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G.G. Ferrin

I have noticed a great vocal talent in my 9 year old granddaughter, Addison. Not only does she have a beautiful voice, but a beautiful heart to match. The last time I was with her, I told her that my goal was to have a song ready for her to record the next time she was at our house. I told her to keep after me, and keep me accountable. Many times I would see a text come in from her mother or father's cell phones. It would say: something like "Hi GG, this is Addison. Are you doing your song?"

On February 16th, we had a lightning strike. The strike reeked havoc on other electrical things in my house including taking out our internet router, my music keyboard and one of my monitors. This gave me an obstacle in the way of writing the song. Instead of putting the whole thing on hold, I thought it would be fun to give Addison the opportunity to come up with a tune. That gave her even more ownership of the song, and it became such a fun project to work on together!

I sent her the words of the song; it basically looked like a poem. She worked on it for several days, then she sang it into her mom's phone and sent it to me. I took her melody, made a few minor adjustments, wrote it out in Finale. Then I figured out chords to go with it, plugged the chords into 'Band-In-A-Box', tweaked it a bit, and now I have the accompaniment ready and waiting to record Addison's voice singing it as soon as she is able to come to my house.

One line in the song is very special--When my daughter was a little girl, and I would ask her what she wanted to be when she grew up, she would say 'a grandma'. I included that memory in this song.

After we moved to Rome. Georgia, it was so nice to experience the different seasons. I took photos of the changes, and used the pictures and videos to put together in an iMovie. This song seemed to merge beautifully with the theme of the changes tomorrow brings.

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