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My 'Flying Start' feels like a 'Slow Crawl'.

G.G. Ferrin

I have changed the way I think about many things since I began this process so long ago. For one thing, I want to make a point of showing that no matter what career you pursue, it is important to continue to grow as a person in your thinking. Read books. Study. Improve yourself. Even challenge what you grew up believing, so you can stand on your own beliefs.

Also, I am no longer sure if it will be a children’s ‘musical', or perhaps several isolated songs or music videos. Right now, I'm leaning toward writing more of a 'family' musical, because I want moms and dads involved. I want to stress the importance of the responsibility in their rolls as they bring up their children with a solid foundation. I also want to write some choir anthems and stand alone songs.

For another thing, I started off on a PC. It was what I used working at the church, and I wanted the same type computer at home. I asked the advice of a studio producer that was helping me, to find out what music program he thought would be best on a PC. At his suggestion, I bought 'Cubase" and watched all the tutorial videos. When I was no longer working at the church, I traded my PC for a Macbook Pro, so I made a music program change and start using 'GarageBand'. I also bought 'Band-In-A-Box' and 'Finale', so I began the process of learning all 3 of these music programs.

In addition to sorting out my thoughts, re-evaluating the direction I was going, and learning new music programs, I was spending time working in our ViSalus business, and also reading books and watching all kinds of tutorial, 'how to' and inspiring videos. At the same time, my husband had 2 back-to-back shoulder surgeries. In addition to that, more grandchildren were being born into the family. With each new grandchild, I have had the wonderful opportunity to spend a week or more with the families, watching the siblings while mom and dad are in the hospital giving birth to the new baby, and/or helping out a bit when they all come home. I also had the incredible blessing to welcome and assist during several transition times in our kids lives and also make several cross country trips with different family members. That in itself fed my soul.

As I watch our family grow, see the world I grew up in, changing quickly, I feel urgency to listen for God's voice, be obedient and follow His leading.

Even though progress is slow, I am very excited, filled with a new passion and anticipation as I am embarking on a new direction in my life's journey.

Amid feelings of inadequacies, and realizing I am not a counselor, I am hoping to mentor, add value, and otherwise invest in parents of young families by sharing things I’ve learned, things that I think might be encouraging; either through my words, my songs, or my life. God seems to keep opening my eyes to more and more opportunities along the way.

'Flying Start' may not be happening at the pace I thought it would, but it's happening, and I can see that God is molding and shaping me, and it is God that is setting the pace.

Looking to Him, I'll trust on the way--He is the potter, I am the clay.

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