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My FIRST Composer Symposium, Atlanta, 2018

G.G. Ferrin

Thanks to God orchestrated circumstances, I attended a Composer Symposium in Atlanta (Lithonia) Georgia.

I had been praying for God to bring a person into my life that could advise me on my next step of this musical journey he had me on. God arranged for me to hit it off with Marjorie Barr, an accompanist and wife of the former minister of music at our church here in Rome (Pleasant Valley South Baptist Church). Rick and I had Fred and Marjorie over after church one Sunday evening. We gave them a tour of our house, and when she saw my music studio and heard I was writing music, she told me to keep her updated on my progress. I shared a song I wrote with her, and the next week, she found out about the Symposium and told me about it.

This was a big step for me. I was TOTALLY out of my comfort zone, but I watched God orchestrate every step that led me here, so... I went, in obedience, with steps of faith, and waited for Him to show me the next step. The Symposium, (referred to as 'Composium' by attendees) was June 11-14, starting late Monday morning, and lasting through Thursday evening. There were classes all day. Lessons with the clinicians could also be purchased. It was my first time to experience a "Master Class". Everyone coming was to bring 70 copies of one of their songs to be presented in one of the Master Classes. They passed out copies of the songs for each of the 6 Master Classes, and everyone critiqued and wrote comments on the copies as they followed along. The panel of clinicians offered suggestions as to what they thought our next step should be. I was nervously excited!!!

The clinicians were: Joseph Martin, David Schwoebel, Brad Nix, Robert Sterling, Steve Brock, Joel Raney.

One of the wonderful elements of the whole venture was the number of sweet times I experienced God's affirmations with this step of faith. Here are some of the confirmations I had in my devotions surrounding the "Composium',

6/10 (The day before) Here is a portion from my 'Bible League: Living His Word' devotional--

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.— Ephesians 2:10 NIV

...the good works we perform as Christians were also predestined for us to do. Christians, then, are not only made into new creatures by God, they are made into new creatures so that they can perform the good works God had in mind from all eternity.

"it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose" --Philippians 2:12-13

Today, when the fear and trembling comes upon you, take comfort in the knowledge that Almighty God Himself is working in you to help you perform the good works He prepared in advance for just you to do.

6/11 (The morning of-- before I left, I wrote this in my devotional journal)

Today I go to the Composer Symposium near Atlanta. The song I am taking for my master class is 'Foundation Declaration'. I have been working on it for months. (Well, years actually.) I know God has led me every step on this journey, but still, I find myself asking God “are you sure you want ME?” Are you leading me THERE? And look what my devotions are this morning. My Loving Father gave me a confirmation that I could not deny. He didn’t have to... but he did.

(Again, from my 'Bible League: Living His Word' devotional:)

". . . choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

— Joshua 24:15 NKJV

This is one of the main verses on which I based 'Foundation Declaration'--(THE SONG I WAS PRESENTING). -- Coincidence? I think NOT! I was so overwhelmed with God’s gracious confirmations, that I cried on and off for the whole 2 hour drive there, as I listened to my choir rehearsal music. If fact, after I drove into the parking lot and saw “Welcome Composer Symposium” I sat in the parking lot and cried for about 10 minutes. I told the Lord that I knew he had me there for a reason, and I knew he had people he wanted me to meet, but knowing he made me an introvert, He was going to have to bring them over to meet me, because I not one that wanders around meeting people.

I finally pulled myself together and went inside. I registered, then made a plate of food that they provided as a reception. I sat in the very back corner at a table all by myself. After about 10 minutes, a kind man came up to me and asked me if it was my first time. As I answered yes, the tears filled my eyes again.

Four very kind people encouraged me. One sweet lady, Wanda, actually sat with me, that day, and every day for the rest of the conference.

6/13 (The third day, the day before MY Master Class presentation)

Woke up 4:22 felt God leading me to work on my thoughts for my intro to my piece: still feeling under qualified for this task, God assured me in my quiet time with Him:

The day's devotion found in 'Bible League: Living His Word':

The LORD replied, "I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest--everything will be fine for you."

— Exodus 33:14 NLT

The Lord had given Moses a difficult task. He was to lead the people of Israel to the Promised Land. Moses was worried, however, for the Lord had not said who would go with him to show him the way (Exodus 33:12). The Lord assured him with the words of our verse for today. God Himself would go with him, and give him rest, and everything would be fine.

...Like Moses, at times we may wonder how we will get to the place we need to be; we may wonder if the Lord will show us the way. Our verse for today speaks to us just as much as it spoke to Moses. God Himself, personally, will go with us. God will show us the way. The promise, then, is not that God will give us a map and leave us to our own devices. Rather, the promise is for personal guidance and direction from God Himself. God will be there with us, side by side.

And everything will work out fine for us. This does not mean that we will never see trials, troubles, and tribulations. Moses saw plenty of them. It means, rather, that our tasks will come to completion; it means that "God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished" (Philippians 1:6).

Today, be at peace, for God is personally going with you on your journey.

A portion from 'Book of Mysteries':

...for the child of God, everything, the good, the bad, the joys, the sorrows, the problems, the victories and defeats, the wounds, the rejections, the losses, the past, the worm and the wind . . . all things . . . are appointed. Each is an appointed minister ordained to bring about His purposes, His blessings, His calling, and His destiny in your life. So be blessed. And that which you thought were your problems will, in the end, be revealed as the holy ministers of God, ordained to bring you to the appointed place of His calling on your life.” The Mission: Today, see your problems and challenges in a new way, as God’s appointed ministers to bring you to the place of His will and destiny. [This word was a response to the horrible backache I had experienced the day before. A backache so bad, my new friend Wanda drove me to a drug store and went in to buy some ibuprofen for me, then drove me to dinner, where we became better acquainted. (Oh, did I mention she lives in Marietta GA? AND she knows 2 families that I know from my 'Life Group' in FBC/Orlando? AND was an accompanist/arranger? AND she is open to helping me with some arrangements?]

A portion from 'Jesus Calling', by Sarah Young:

TRUST ME AND DON’T BE AFRAID, for I am your Strength and Song. (emphasis mine) Do not let fear dissipate your energy. Instead, invest your energy in trusting Me and singing My Song. The battle for control of your mind is fierce, and years of worry have made you vulnerable to the enemy. Therefore, you need to be vigilant in guarding your thoughts. Do not despise this weakness in yourself since I am using it to draw you closer to Me. Your constant need for Me creates an intimacy that is well worth all the effort. You are not alone in this struggle for your mind. My Spirit living within you is ever ready to help in this striving. Ask Him to control your mind; He will bless you with Life and Peace. Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. ISAIAH 12: 2

—WOW, —Just WOW!

Other thoughts:

I neglected say, That first day, (although I resisted) I was encouraged by that first gentleman I met, to sign up for a lesson with one of the clinicians. (He took it upon himself to go to the lady in charge of scheduling lessons, and ask if there were any slots open.) There 'HAPPENED' to be 2 slots open. One slot was with Brad Nix. I told the Lord, okay, you brought someone over to me, and now it seems like you are arranging for me to take a lesson, so...I signed up.

As I came to my lesson, very nervous and unprepared, After starting out by telling Brad my story, I shared my testimony song, 'Testing', with him. Then, wanting to show him one of my children's songs, I ended up showing him 'Starting My Day'. He said I needed someone to help me, by doing arrangements. He said that he was working on a children's music project, that he thought the first part of that song, (with a piano arrangement) would fit in, and he thought the publishers might like it. It hasn't happened yet, but he is an arranger, and I asked if he might be willing. He said he would be happy to help me with it. This could end up being my first published piece, and get my foot in the door. Again..., Coincidence? I think NOT.

I gathered several pages of notes from the reviews that came back to me. It was wonderfully terrifying experience. I am now signed up to attend another Composer Symposium in October. This time, in Austin Texas. Looks like I have some more stretching ahead of me.

Here are some of the reviews from my presentation in this Composium's master class.

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