In seeking God’s blessings in this new direction of my life, I would like to give this first song, the choir version of Foundation Declaration, to God as an offering of my ‘first fruits’ in this endeavor. At the time I wrote this song, I was attending First Baptist Church, Orlando, where over the course of 2 years we had a special 'All In' giving campaign. Although I never filled in a paper commitment, I actually had purposed to finish this song so I could give it as MY ‘All In’ offering, (stepping up from a ’tithe’ to a ‘first fruit’ type offering, following in obedience and giving by faith before receiving). My husband is the breadwinner in our family, and we are regular tithers, but I wanted to contribute something meaningful from me personally. But with many things happening over the 2 years ‘All In’ timetable, I ended up way behind. However, any money that comes in to me from this song will be given to my local church. Not just a tithe--ALL OF IT! God is not limited by time restrictions, and He could see my 'past' heart with 'future' eyes.
The basis of this particular song will be in a family scene in a personal, at home, family ‘baby’ dedication service, led by the grandfather. It is sung primarily by grandparents and parents, with the kids only joining in on a couple phrases, giving it a bit of an ensemble sound. BUT -- I thought that with the way the world is these days, the message is very relevant and this song, with a little adaptation, could be powerful as a choir anthem. (I could kind of hear our choir singing it in my head as I was writing it.) The lyrics are based on Joshua 24:15 “…choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…, as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” and also the parable of the wise man and the foolish man, and the foundations on which they built their houses (Matthew 7:24-27). I have titled it Foundation Declaration, and the music accompaniment has an Israeli feel.
I poured my heart and soul into this song. I give it, with love, to God. May it bring Him glory and my prayer is that it may help strengthen young families in these troubling times.