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G.G. Ferrin

Confirmation Communications from a Loving Father

I enjoyed both of the books 'Wild at Heart' and 'Captivating' by the Eldridges.

I continually strive and long for the live and ongoing personal relationship with Jesus that is not only natural for me, but also obvious. Where Jesus is reflected in me for the world to see. A relationship that is so natural that I am thankful and grateful, but not necessarily 'surprised' by God's easily recognizable interactions with me.

As I was reading a portion of the book 'Captivating' I found myself longing for a fresh, recognizable interaction with God.


The story she (Staci Eldridge) shared was this:

"A few years ago John was on a business trip to Oregon. He snuck away for some time alone with God, down to the beach where he walked and prayed and finally sat in the sand to watch the waves upon the sea. (His idea of refreshment is “the wilder the better.”) Then he saw it. A huge plume of water shot up into the sky, and a massive humpback whale appeared right before him, impossibly close to shore. No one else was near.

The time of the whale’s annual migration had long passed. John knew immediately that this was a gift from God to his heart alone, a gift from the Lover of his heart. John told me this story, and as happy as I was for him, I was more hungry for such a kiss for myself. I wanted a whale too. I wanted to experience God’s love for me, personally.

It wasn’t long after this that John and I were in northern California speaking at a couples’ retreat. I, too, snuck away one morning for some much needed time on the beach with God. I sat on the sand, looked out to the sea, and asked God for a whale. “I know you love John, Jesus, but do you love me too? That much? If you do, may I have a whale too?” I felt a little silly in asking, for I knew the truth—that God had already proven his love for me. He had sent his only Son, Jesus, to die for me (John 3:16). He had rescued me. He had paid the highest price imaginable for me. He had given me all of creation to speak of his great glory and love, and he had given me the Word of God in all its depth and beauty, and here I was, asking for more. And God loved it. God delights in revealing himself to those who will seek him with all their hearts. He is an extravagant, abundant Lover, and he loves to reveal his heart to us again and again. After a while, with no whale in sight, I got up off the sand and continued to walk. It was early spring, waves crashing, seagulls crying. The northern coast of California is rocky, and as I picked my way through, I rounded a corner and came upon a starfish, a beautiful orange starfish.

And I knew at once it was God’s gift to me, his kiss. He didn’t give me a whale; no, that was for John alone. For me, unique to me, he gave a stunning starfish. He answered my question. Yes. He loved me. I thanked him for it, then rounded the next bend and came upon a sight I will never forget. There before me, behind me, surrounding me, were hundreds of starfish. Zillions of them. There were purple ones and orange ones and blue ones, all sizes. I burst into joyful laughter, my heart exploding inside me. God didn’t just love me. He LOOOOVED me! Intimately, personally, completely. God gave John a whale. It was huge and strong. God gave me starfish. They were delicate, small, intricate. I could touch them. In being surrounded by them, I felt my heart encompassed by his generous, extravagant love. The amazing starfish were an intimate gift from an intimate God.


Well, as I read this portion of the book 'Captivating' I found myself longing for a fresh, recognizable interaction with God. I too wanted another confirmation from Him, something that I would definitely recognize, and I asked Him to show me. As I came to the end of the book, I could not believe my eyes as I saw God once again confirm the direction he was leading me to pursue... A rekindling of the desire that I believe He gave me, deep in my heart.

In the very last chapter of the book, I found this--

“There is a song written on your heart and you must sing it. The world is waiting, needing what it is you have to offer. You must live the life you were born to live.”

This was MY, personal, message from God.

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